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Merger Checklist – Strategic Issues

  1. Motivation for the merger
  2. Benefits to be derived – short and long term
  3. Fundamental direction of each firm
  4. Premises and building commitments
  5. Technology and its development
  6. Balance sheet analysis:
    1. funding philosophy
    2. drawings policy
    3. capital and expansion funding
    4. leasing requirements
    5. guarantees and partner liabilities
    6. banking arrangements
  7. Financial performance – trends:
    1. profitability
    2. fee growth
    3. net profit per partner
  8. Profit sharing arrangements
  9. Admission and retirement of partners:
    1. progression
    2. entry price
    3. exit – consultancy – superannuation
    4. age grouping of partners
  10. Partnership management:
    1. acceptable performance
    2. excellence vs adequate
    3. communication
    4. discipline
  11. Lifestyle considerations:
    1. leave – ordinary
    2. long service leave
    3. expectations – hours
  12. Management structure and philosophy:
    1. control management
    2. administration
    3. professional departments
    4. committees
    5. reporting procedures
  13. Client list, conflicts and losses
  14. Professional indemnity claims
  15. Precedent development
  16. Marketing
  17. National and international connections
  18. Image and culture