Insight, Strategy, Action.

Providing research, training & management advice to law firms throughout Australasia for the past 40 Years.

Sam Coupland

Sam joined FMRC in January 2000 and became a Director in July 2006.  His client facing roles span direct consulting and management training.

Sam’s consulting work is predominantly providing advice to smaller partnerships.  These firms are facing increasing demographic and economic pressures which they feel ill equipped to face on their own.  In any one year he would be engaged by 50+ firms to assist with strategic planning, partner compensation, equity valuation and succession related issues.

Sam is considered the foremost authority on law firm valuations and would value more law firms than anyone else in Australia.  He has developed a robust valuation methodology which calculates an accurate capitalisation rate that assesses the risk profile, cash flow and profitability of the firm.

From a training perspective, Sam is involved in presenting at conferences as well as developing and presenting the following FMRC programs:

  • NSW Practice Management Course
  • New Zealand Law Society Practice Management Course
  • Successful Succession
  • Practice Management for Associates and Solicitors

Sam has written articles on legal practice management topics that have appeared in the Lawyers Weekly, Law Societies / Institutes of NSW, Victoria and Queensland and related journals in Australia and overseas.

If you have a firm to list please get in touch

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